No middleware anywhere

The Avenu platform is built as a direct extension to our banking core, allowing you to have a one-to-one relationship with your development platform, bank, and customers. There are no bloated fee structures, layered tech stacks, or compromises to compliance standards. We are a bank and a development company; when you use our embedded banking solution, you are us.

Tokenization Cyber security Payment gateway FDIC insurance Compliance Subledger Customer identity Reporting Auto-reconcile Complaint mgmt.

What makes Avenu different

The Avenu banking core is a direct solution that uses no middleware. It comes complete with it’s own subledger, auto reconcilation, payment gateway, FDIC insurance, cyber security, complaint management, dashboard & reporting, tokenization, customer identity (KYC), and compliance.

subledger icon
auto-reconcile icon
payment gateway icon
Payment gateway
fdic icon
FDIC insurance
cyber security icon
Cyber security
complaint management icon
Complaint mgmt.
reporting icon
tokenization icon
identitl icon
Customer identity
compliance icon